It’s been a while since my last post. At the end of the summer we decided to move. Our new house is 50% bigger and we decided the extra space was worth it. My wife recommended we call the new sun room, the Fun Room. It’s twice as big as the old sun room and will hold some giant layouts.

This layout includes Kato v11 and v16 sets. I added two bridges, three WX310 double switch tracks and a few 248mm double concrete straight pieces to make the layout longer. It has four separate lanes, so four separate trains can run simultaneously. The layout is twelve and a half feet long and took about 30 minutes to put together and wire up. SCARM file is here.

Kato v11
Kato v16
All DC

Welcome to the Fun Room
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One thought on “Welcome to the Fun Room

  • November 14, 2021 at 9:33 am

    Great website, I really enjoy all of your layouts, please keep up the awesome postings and videos, fantastic!

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