Efficiency Tip #25 – Scroll Wheel

scrollwheelI must mention some things that I thought were obvious. Today I was working with someone that did not know the scroll wheel on a mouse could be used to move a browser page up and down. To scroll down the page, he moved the mouse to the scroll bar on the right side of the screen and dragged it down.

When I showed him that the page could be moved up and down without moving the mouse, he thought it was the best thing ever.

Not only can the scroll button be used to move the whole page up and down, if the cursor is inside a text box with its own scroll bar, the text box can be scrolled with the wheel.

My mouse has left and right functionality too. Not all mice can do this, but mine will scroll the page back and forth if there is a scroll bar across the bottom of the page. I also talked before about using Ctrl-scroll to zoom in and out.

This functions work in any application that has a scroll bar on the side of the window.


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