My students are working on a PowerPoint file in class. I give them all the text. They come up with the pictures. All the pictures must be licensed with a Creative Commons license and several of the pictures must actually be taken by the student. The subjects of the photos are ordinary objects like pencils, pens and calculators.
My daughter was looking at this assignment and thought it might be fun to take all the pictures. Some time ago I spent $5 at Staples for a roll of white paper. We use this for our seamless background for pictures. Above you can see our setup. We took the pictures in the sun room to maximize the nature light available. I had to lie on the floor to take the pictures.
When we finished with the camera, all the pictures were dropped into Picasa for simple editing. I changed one picture to sepia and a couple to black and white. Other than that, we cropped them all to a 4:3 ratio because the camera shoots 3:2.
That’s about it. The PowerPoint file is below shared on SlideShare. If you would like to see the work of my students, search for the tag. I wrote it in chalk on the second slide.
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