Google Account Chooser

We use Google Apps For Educators (GAFE) in many of our classes at The University of Findlay.  Due to the popularity of Gmail, many students already have a person Gmail account in addition to the GAFE account through The University.

When I share a document with a group of students, I end up getting a flurry of emails that look like this.

Request to share

Edtech Class Document

You are the owner of this item and has asked that you share this item with:

Add these people in Sharing settings.

I share the documents with the student’s UF account, but the student is logged in with a personal account.  I have setup a shortcut to the UF login page

Going through the UFNet login is complicated.  We don’t actually use Gmail for UF email.  Because it takes between four and six clicks, it is easy to get into a loop before getting logged into UF’s network.

Google has a fix for this problem.  Using the Google Account Chooser, you can tell Google to permit multiple accounts to access one account’s files.

Add your personal and school accounts to the list and both will be able to access documents without the bother of the login loop.

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