Efficiency Tip #75 – Bulk Rename

I have talked before about the fact that I have a lot of picture files.  Like most digital cameras, mine names all the pictures with sequential names: IMG_0001, IMG_0002, etc.

I put my pictures into folders based on the event where the picture was taken.  If I am going to do something else with a set of pictures (like give a copy to my parents), it is better to name the actual files with a descriptive name.  My parents don’t use my Neanderthal-like folder structure.

Here is an easy way to rename a group of files using the Rename command built into Windows.

1 – Highlight all the files you wish to rename.

2 – Press F2.

3 – Type the new name all the files will receive.

Windows will rename all the files with the file name you specify in step three and follow the name with a sequential number.


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