Efficiency Tip #78 – Time Sync

A man with two clocks is never sure of the time… unless each clock is connected to the Internet.  This site


will tell you the time within 0.3 seconds of the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s master clock.  That’s close enough for most people outside of Switzerland.  In that country men are known to break into fist-fights over the correct time.

Microsoft uses NIST’s clock to keep accurate time on the Microsoft time servers (time.windows.com).  You can synchronize your computer with one of these servers.  By doing this, your computer’s clock will be adjusted to the correct time each day.  Here are instructions to set this up on your computer.

This won’t help with your wrist watch, but it will keep all your computers in sync.

TSPY=0.0000000003 and one fist-fight each year

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