Copyright at the Art Museum

Over the weekend we visited the Toledo Museum of Art.  It’s an impressive facility with pieces from many famous artists.  The spaces available in the galleries offer exceptional viewing environments.

As with many museums, most of the art can be photographed as long as no flash is used.  Modern art is normally off limits because the copyright has not expired.  The cutoff for copyright protection is 1923.  Anything before that time is now in the public domain.

We like paintings from the impressionist era (late 1800’s).  TMA has a wonderful collection with pieces by Monet, Renoir, Degas, Cezanne and Pissarro.  Moving through the exhibit toward 1900, we ran across a Van Gogh and other post-impressionist paintings.  We were told not to photograph the last painting before the door. 


It’s still under copyright.

I looked at the description next to the painting.  The picture was painted in 1919.  I asked the docent if there was something special about this particular painting as everything else created in 1919 is now in the public domain.

Apparently this caused a bit of confusion.  The docent explained that everything less than one hundred years old was still protected by copyright.  This picture still had a few years left.

Fortunately I happen to have all human knowledge available to me on my iPod.  I showed (the growing crowd of docents) that 1923 was the magic year.  Anything created before that year is now unconditionally in the public domain.

They still wouldn’t let me take a picture.  The director was not there and he would have to change the policy.  Oh well, at least a few more people know about copyright and the public domain.

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Canon HG10

I have moved into high definition video recording.  Through a mini-grant I have received a Canon HG10 hard drive based video camera.

I can record about five hours of 1920 x 1080 video on the 40 GB hard drive.  Putting that video online is going to be a bit of a trick right now.  At more than 100 MB per minute, I won’t be streaming HD for a while.

While I wait for a free HD streaming site, I can upload the huge pictures snapped with the camcorder.  Normally pictures from movie cameras are awful.  The resolution is typically 320 x 240, or if you’re lucky they are pixel-doubled to 640 x 480.  The HG10 can snap pictures at full HD resolution.  Click the picture insert to see the higher resolution version on Flickr.

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Here is a handy tool for anyone interested in finding a podcast about a specific topic.  Everyzing is a service that scans through an assortment of podcasts and converts all that speech into text that is searchable.  You can search for generic topics like “educational technology” or broad topics like “politics.”   Search results can be sorted by date or relevance.  By clicking on a hit, you can listen to the audio in the built-in player.

A link to your specific search term is also available so you can jump right to the part of the podcast talking about your topic.  In this way, you can quickly hear a phrase in the context it was recorded.

The site also searches online video clips and other multimedia.  The goal is to make all digital content searchable.  Imagine being able to find a video clip of someone giving a speech by searching for a few key terms from the speech.  You wouldn’t even have to know the speaker’s name.

EveryZing also sells a product that will convert multimedia content to printed pages.  This has potential for hearing impaired students.

I can even find someone I know in a podcast.  Here’s John… fifty times.

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Backyard Guests

A robin has decided to raise a family in one of the trees in our back yard.  The nest is high enough in a pine tree that I can’t see inside it.  I held the camera up in the air and snapped this shot.  If you click the picture, there is a higher resolution version on Flickr.  You can just make out a small beak and two pink behinds (I think).

I tried not to linger as the mother bird was making a lot of noise.  I’ll get some better shots as the chicks get bigger.

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Jing is a free screen capture tool from TechSmith, the makers of Snag and Camtasia.  Jing runs on Windows or OS X and can be linked to your own server or to a free streaming service called

Jing will capture a single screen shot or a movie that includes your audio input.  After starting the program, simply drag to create a box to define the capture area.  If you are using OS X, there is nothing this good that is also free.

There are some limitations on the free version.  It can only capture a five minute movie.  WYDIWYG – What you do is what you get.  There are no tools for editing your movie.  It’s designed for quick and dirty projects.

Limitations aside, this is a great free product.  The resolution of the movies is incredible.  Try watching the above movie in full screen mode.

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