Mark Twain on Copyright Pirates

One hundred years later, and pirates are still a problem.  I found this article pointing to a New York Times document written by Mark Twain in 1906.  At the time, copyright protection lasted 42 years.  Twain knew his works would be popular after that time, even if he were to die before it elapsed.  According to Twain, the pirates were the publishers who could continue to use he older material for free if the copyright had expired.  Here is my favorite quote:

And, as Twain once noted, while authors die, “publishers” don’t. For their efforts, Twain called them “pirates,” for they did as true pirates do: “take” things that aren’t “theirs” and profit from it.

Mark Twain was looking out for his kids.  He wanted copyright to continue to pay them royalties even if he were long gone.  He said the grandkids could fend for themselves, but his own kids should be able to profit from their father’s work.

He came up with a scheme that he thought might extend the copyright life of his creations.  He re-wrote his original books half a page at a time.  On the other half of each page in the book were parts of his autobiography.  The autobiography parts were previously unpublished.  Together, he thought the combination would create a new work and thus protect his classics from falling into the public domain.

Notice we wasn’t worried about individuals copying his work.  He consider the publishers to be the real pirates.  I have to wonder what he would think of the RIAA and MPAA today.

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Check your blog’s reading level

If you are trying to write a blog for an audience at a certain grade level, check your blog’s reading level.

I don’t know how scientific this process is.  I did blog about another tool back in February.  Try the text statistics at UsingEnglish for more detail than “junior high school.”

It looks like I am writing at the junior high level.  Most of the blogs I read are at the same level.  eSchool News is reported to be written for the Genius.

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Vista Problems

I have been using Vista since July without any problems.  I have a dual core machine with 2 GB of RAM and a 7900 nVidia graphics card.  I keep the updates current and don’t run anything weird.

Last week a major problem started.  The right-click menu disappears randomly.  I think it may be related to IE7.  Most of what I can find online points in that direction, but most people seem to have this problem when too many tabs are open.

I don’t use tabs.  They are turned off.

Here is another symptom.  When I try to Save As, the window is blank.  Sometimes all I see is the outline of the window.  Also, new programs won’t start at all.

Some reports point to a lack of memory.  I have never used more than 1.5 GB of my 2.0 GB of RAM.  I have noticed that if I restart IE7, that usually fixes the problem.

What baffles me is the timing.  Everything has been running well for several months.  For the last ten days, I get this problem at least once a day.  That’s too much of a hassle for me.  Something is going to have to change.

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Collaboration Revisited

Today we had another group activity in class.  The students in class have been exposed to many different collaboration techniques this semester.  I think they now have the tools to examine the situation and determine the best way to work together to complete the activity.

This time I gave them too much work for one person to complete.  The only way to complete the activity in the limited time provided was to divide the work so that each group member completed a small part.  In the end, each student had a separate file that was shared with the group.

They got it.  Each group spent a few minutes deciding how the work would be done.  A couple people needed some help with the process.  The stronger members of the team helped the weaker ones. 

In the end, the individual files had to be consolidated.  Most of the groups used USB flash drives to swap files.  I did see one group use email to send the files to each other.

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The Point

thepoint.pngThe Point is a unique social networking idea that can be used to rally the troops for any cause.

There are several criteria for any campaign.  You or your group define what must happen before you act on your campaign.  The Point keeps track of the number of people rallying behind your cause and notifies you when you have the numbers to make it happen.

The Point is interesting because no campaign is too small.  I saw one campaign looking to raise $20 while another was looking for eight people living on the same street to join in a campaign for a new street light.

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