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Tag Archives: education
Curriculum Based on Critical Thinking
Linda Darling-Hammond of Stanford University has an opinion article in the Oct 14, San Francisco Chronicle. It explains how other countries are testing students’ 21st century skills and how NCLB is not helping to prepare our students for the knowledge … Continue reading
Tagged education, technology
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Microsoft Matters Less???
Christopher Dawson has an educational technology management blog on the ZDNet site. In today’s post, he talks about how Microsoft is becoming less important as an operating system vendor. Christopher is using Ubuntu in the lab in his school with great … Continue reading
More Than Cool Tools
One of the the keynote addresses from the the first regular week of the K12 Online Conference is by Alan Levine, Brian Lamb and D’arcy Norman. The three of them have put together a video that goes through many of … Continue reading
I just heard a presentation on Voicethread. What’s a VoiceThread? A VoiceThread is an online media album that allows people to make comments, either audio or text, and share them with anyone they wish. A VoiceThread allows an entire group’s … Continue reading
Serving Up a Podcast
Recording a podcast is only half of the process. Yesterday I talked about creating an MP3 file, but once you have that file, you need to get it to someone interested in hearing it. If you have your own server, … Continue reading