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Tag Archives: technology
Veropedia has almost 4000 “verofied” entries in wiki format. Here is the first paragraph from their “about” page. Veropedia is a collaborative effort by a group of Wikipedians to collect the best of Wikipedia’s content, clean it up, vet it, … Continue reading
Here is another tool that you can use to publish your PowerPoint with audio. SplashCast does it all. The SplashCast service enables anyone to create streaming media ‘channels’ that mix together video, music, photos, narration, text, as well as RSS … Continue reading
Meet Your Future Employee
Here is an article in Computer World that should give us some insight about our future workforce. This article repeats many of the trends I have seen in other publications: 95% of graduates have solid basic technical skills, 50% are … Continue reading
I have had three “real-world” problems presented to me this week that are a good representation of problems present in the day-to-day life of a technical consultant. I work with several schools as a consultant and I end up getting a few … Continue reading
Curriculum Based on Critical Thinking
Linda Darling-Hammond of Stanford University has an opinion article in the Oct 14, San Francisco Chronicle. It explains how other countries are testing students’ 21st century skills and how NCLB is not helping to prepare our students for the knowledge … Continue reading
Tagged education, technology
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